Head Count Management Software

the Software that gives companies the tools they need to lower costs, obtain visibility, predict performance, and increase profits

Manage Organizations with Head Count Management Software

Headcount management software in pakistan is a task performed by human resources that aims to quantify what employees do and track the movement or transfer of employees between departments or outside the company. Headcount management software gives companies the tools they need to lower costs, obtain visibility, predict performance, and increase profits. Companies of all sizes utilize Headcount’s industry strength to outsource payroll, manage human resource responsibilities, and provide insurance solutions. Let Headcount empower you to focus on your core strengths, set the right pace, and increase profits.

Head Count Management Software in Pakistan

You need a stress-free Head Count Management Software that is accurate, fully secure

Identify Your Business Challenges

With a firm understanding of your business goals, strategies, and market landscape to inform the headcount management software planning process, you can keep pace with—and anticipate—what’s ahead.

Establish Metrics

Define the objective measures by which you will determine whether individuals or departments are staffed with the right people, and let those metrics drive your workforce evaluation and headcount strategy

Evaluate Your Workforce

As you evaluate the workforce, pay particular attention to critical roles. This obviously includes leadership positions—the ones typically accounted for during succession planning and talent reviews—but don’t neglect other roles

Make Headcount Planning

Organizations that engage in formal headcount planning typically do the exercise annually. But given how quickly markets can pivot, the truly strategic approach is agile, inclusive, and iterative

Working Flow

leave management


A live dashboard showcasing the presence of each employee inside the company premise in real time.

The dashboard also features the number of people occupying each zone and floor of the company premise

Entrance and exit of people entering the premise are collected and processed in real time with access control data system.

Alerts sent to the admin or concerned person on people entering a restricted or sensitive zone.

The system allows the admin to track any employee date-wise and month-wise.

Busy areas can be monitored for overcrowding thereby providing the admin to manage the area accordingly.

In case of an emergency, an automatic notification is send to the admin

Also, a notification is sent to the admin if the headcount of a zone goes below the desired number.

As the admin one can get the headcount on the computer screen as well as easily access the track records any time.

Real-time analytics can be accessed

Various headcount reports can be generated with different combinations

A headcount system also helps in regulating the compliance to building safety and ensures the emergency regulation of the company.

head count management

Ready for the Software You Need?


05, Ground Floor, Business Arcade, Block 6 PECHS, Main Sharah e Faisal, Karachi





Suite No 14, 4th Floor, AL-Hafeez Tower, 26-C/1, M.M. Alam Road, Gulberg-III, Lahore

04235785591 - 04235785592




1st Floor, Suite No 1, Plot No 96, Street No 32, I&T Centre, G-9/1, Islamabad

0512376184 - 0512376185



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